Stepjam 发表于 2018-6-28 01:32

[English] The problem with the login in the launcher

本帖最后由 Stepjam 于 2018-6-28 01:46 编辑

What is it? o2 account registered, email activated... What????I am running in Chinese Simplified locale.

windows 10

doge 发表于 2018-6-28 02:59

seems like your windows 10 lag fix is bugged?
have you activated your game account here?

Stepjam 发表于 2018-6-28 15:46

本帖最后由 Stepjam 于 2018-6-28 15:48 编辑

Yes, I have activated there is not one account, but they do not work in the launcher. My friend gave me his account from which everything goes well but I can't go. do not work other people's accounts...
win10fix threw that was in the game folder. Can you give me another one?

doge 发表于 2018-6-29 01:26

There's a few here you can try:

Just use which ever that works.
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